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Ficha técnica de PA-7000 Series
Palo Alto Networks PA-7000 Series ML-Powered Next-Generation Firewalls enable enterprise-scale organizations and service providers to deploy security in high-performance environments, such as large data centers and high-bandwidth network perimeters.
Folha de especificações de resumo do produto
Principais recursos, capacidades de desempenho e especificações de todos os firewalls da Palo Alto Networks.
Resumen de Especificaciones y Funciones de la Plataforma
Resumen de especificaciones y funciones de la plataforma.
Tecnologías, suscripciones y servicios de firewalls de nueva generación con tecnología de inteligencia artificial (ML)
Este documento brinda una lista completa de las funciones de seguridad de NGFW con tecnología de ML, así como de las funciones de seguridad disponibles mediante la implementación de todas las suscripciones de seguridad basadas en la nube disponibles.
Tecnologias, assinaturas e serviços de firewall de última geração alimentados por aprendizado de máquina
Este documento oferece uma lista abrangente dos recursos de segurança do NGFW alimentado por aprendizado de máquina, bem como recursos de segurança disponíveis por meio da implantação de todas as assinaturas de segurança fornecidas pela nuvem disponíveis.
Resumo da solução AIOps para NGFW
Our AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) for NGFW solution revolutionizes firewall operations with ML-powered insights for the best security posture and optimal health. Proactively address the top operational challenges of today like misconfigurations, human errors, compliance with best practices, resource usage, hardware and software failures, and a lot more. In this solution brief, you will learn how AIOps for NGFW redefines the firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting, and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.
Tecnologie, abbonamenti e servizi dei firewall di nuova generazione basati sull'apprendimento automatico
Questo documento contiene un elenco completo delle funzioni di sicurezza del firewall di nuova generazione basati sull'apprendimento automatico e delle funzioni di sicurezza disponibili con la distribuzione di tutti gli abbonamenti per la sicurezza nel cloud.
Panoramica della soluzione AIOps per NGFW
Our AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) for NGFW solution revolutionizes firewall operations with ML-powered insights for the best security posture and optimal health. Proactively address the top operational challenges of today like misconfigurations, human errors, compliance with best practices, resource usage, hardware and software failures, and a lot more. In this solution brief, you will learn how AIOps for NGFW redefines the firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting, and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.
Informe de la solución de AIOps para NGFW
Our AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) for NGFW solution revolutionizes firewall operations with ML-powered insights for the best security posture and optimal health. Proactively address the top operational challenges of today like misconfigurations, human errors, compliance with best practices, resource usage, hardware and software failures, and a lot more. In this solution brief, you will learn how AIOps for NGFW redefines the firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting, and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.
Resumen de la solución AIOps para NGFW
Nuestra solución de inteligencia artificial para las operaciones de TI para cortafuegos de nueva generación (AIOps y NGFW, respectivamente, por sus siglas en inglés) revoluciona las operaciones de los cortafuegos con información útil basada en aprendizaje automático, lo que permite garantizar la mejor estrategia de seguridad y el buen funcionamiento de los cortafuegos. Resuelve de forma proactiva los principales retos operativos actuales, como los errores de configuración, los errores humanos, el cumplimiento normativo mediante prácticas recomendadas, el uso de recursos, los fallos de hardware y software, etc. En este resumen de la solución, explicamos por qué AIOps para NGFW redefine la experiencia operativa de los cortafuegos al predecir, interpretar y resolver los problemas antes de que afecten al negocio.
AIOps pour NGFW – Présentation de la solution
Notre solution AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) pour NGFW vous permet d’améliorer votre posture de sécurité et d’optimiser les performances de vos équipements grâce à des insights générés par ML. Mauvaises configurations, erreurs humaines, entorses aux bonnes pratiques, surutilisation des ressources, défaillances matérielles et logicielles… AIOps pour NGFW résout de manière proactive les grandes problématiques opérationnelles auxquelles vous devez faire face. Découvrez dans ce document comment la solution Palo Alto Networks prédit, analyse et résout les problèmes en amont. Une révolution pour la gestion opérationnelle des pare-feu.
Lösungsübersicht zu AIOps for NGFW
Unsere Lösung AIOps for NGFW revolutioniert den Firewallbetrieb mit ML-gestützten Erkenntnissen für ein optimales Sicherheitsniveau und einen einwandfreien Zustand. Bewältigen Sie die wichtigsten betrieblichen Herausforderungen von heute, darunter die Vermeidung von Fehlkonfigurationen und manuellen sowie Hard- und Softwarefehlern, die Einhaltung von Compliancevorgaben, die Optimierung der Ressourcennutzung und viele weitere Probleme. In dieser Lösungsübersicht erfahren Sie, wie AIOps for NGFW den Firewallbetrieb neu definiert und die Vorhersage, Interpretation und Behebung von Problemen ermöglicht, bevor es zu finanziellen Verlusten kommt.
Servicios, suscripciones y tecnologías de cortafuegos de nueva generación con aprendizaje automático
Este documento recoge una lista exhaustiva de las funciones de seguridad de los NGFW con aprendizaje automático, así como las funciones adicionales que se pueden obtener mediante la implementación de todas las suscripciones de seguridad en la nube disponibles.
Pare-feu nouvelle génération pilotés par ML : technologies, abonnements et services
Ce document dresse une liste complète des fonctionnalités de sécurité des NGFW pilotés par ML, y compris celles disponibles via le déploiement de nos services de sécurité cloud.
ML-gestützte Next-Generation Firewall-Technologien, ‑Subscriptions und ‑Services
In diesem Dokument finden Sie eine umfassende Liste der Sicherheitsfunktionen unserer ML-gestützten Next-Generation Firewall sowie der zusätzlichen Sicherheitsfunktionen, die über die verschiedenen Cloud-Delivered Security Subscriptions erhältlich sind.
ML 기반 차세대 방화벽 기술, 서브스크립션 및 서비스
이 문서에는 ML 기반 NGFW의 보안 기능을 모두 정리한 종합적인 목록과 시판 중인 클라우드 기반 보안 서브스크립션 구축을 통해 제공되는 각종 보안 기능을 기재했습니다.
NGFW용 AIOps 솔루션 개요
Our AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) for NGFW solution revolutionizes firewall operations with ML-powered insights for the best security posture and optimal health. Proactively address the top operational challenges of today like misconfigurations, human errors, compliance with best practices, resource usage, hardware and software failures, and a lot more. In this solution brief, you will learn how AIOps for NGFW redefines the firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting, and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.
面向新一代防火墙的 AIOps 解决方案简介
Our AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) for NGFW solution revolutionizes firewall operations with ML-powered insights for the best security posture and optimal health. Proactively address the top operational challenges of today like misconfigurations, human errors, compliance with best practices, resource usage, hardware and software failures, and a lot more. In this solution brief, you will learn how AIOps for NGFW redefines the firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting, and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.
AIOps for NGFWソリューション概要
Our AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) for NGFW solution revolutionizes firewall operations with ML-powered insights for the best security posture and optimal health. Proactively address the top operational challenges of today like misconfigurations, human errors, compliance with best practices, resource usage, hardware and software failures, and a lot more. In this solution brief, you will learn how AIOps for NGFW redefines the firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting, and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.
Unit 42 リテイナー
信頼できるセキュリティ アドバイザーとリテイナー契約を交わしておくことで、攻撃後の復旧が迅速になり、通常の事業運営を再開しやすくなります。
Unit 42リテイナーはお客様の組織のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズでき、リテイナー時間をどの提供サービスに割り当てるかを柔軟にお選びいただくことができます。
選べるサービス内容には、インシデント レスポンス サービスのほかにプロアクティブ サイバーリスク マネジメント サービスも含まれます。
本データシートでは世界トップクラスのUnit 42インシデント レスポンス チームを短縮ダイヤルに登録する方法を説明します。
機械学習を活用した次世代ファイアウォールのセキュリティ機能を網羅した資料です。公開中のクラウド提供型セキュリティ サブスクリプションの導入によって利用できるセキュリティ機能も掲載しています。
Servizio Sicurezza DNS
Apply predictive analytics to disrupt attacks that use DNS for command and control or data theft
Servicio de seguridad de DNS
Apply predictive analytics to disrupt attacks that use DNS for command and
control or data theft
Ficha técnica de Filtrado de URL avanzado
Advanced URL Filtering combines our renowned malicious URL database with the industry’s first real-time web protection engine powered by machine learning.
DNS Security-Service
Nutzen Sie vorausschauende Analysen, um Angriffe zu vereiteln, bei denen DNS für Command-and-Control-(C2-)Aktivitäten oder Datendiebstahl missbraucht wird.
Serviço de segurança de DNS
Apply predictive analytics to disrupt attacks that use DNS for command and
control or data theft
DNSセキュリティ サービス
Apply predictive analytics to disrupt attacks that use DNS for command and
control or data theft
DNS Security 服務
Apply predictive analytics to disrupt attacks that use DNS for command and
control or data theft
Displaying 601 - 630 of 1498