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Nutzen Sie das Active Response-Modul von Cortex Xpanse optimal aus
Selbst wenn Unternehmen ein praxistaugliches Inventar aller Assets, aus denen die Angriffsfläche besteht, erstellt und die sich daraus ergebenden Risiken identifiziert haben, erweist sich die zeitnahe Behebung dieser Risiken oftmals als anhaltende Herausforderung.
Cortex Xpanse: 脅威レスポンス センター
絶えず変化する断片的なアタックサーフェスを管理しながら新しい脆弱性とセキュリティ問題に対処することがセキュリティ チームには求められます。
Cortex Xpanse: Threat Response Center
I team di sicurezza devono far fronte a esposizioni e vulnerabilità sempre nuove, gestendo una superficie di attacco mutevole e frammentata. Secondo la nostra ricerca, metà della superficie di attacco di un’organizzazione cambia ogni mese.
Cortex Xpanse:威脅回應中心
Cortex Xpanse: centro de respuesta a amenazas
Los equipos de seguridad deben hacer frente a nuevas vulnerabilidades y exposiciones al tiempo que gestionan una superficie de ataque fragmentada que no deja de cambiar.
Exploitez tout le potentiel du module Active Response de Cortex Xpanse
Dresser un inventaire actionnable des assets à protéger et des risques en présence n’est que la première étape pour sécuriser votre surface d’attaque.
Cortex Xpanse 능동 대응 모듈의 가치 극대화
많은 조직이 공격 표면에 존재하는 자산과 리스크에 대해 실질적인 인벤토리를 구축한 후 지속적으로 직면하는 한 가지 과제는 이러한 위험을 적시에 해결해야 한다는 것입니다.
透過 Cortex Xpanse 主動回應模組實現最大的價值
Nutzen Sie das Active Response-Modul von Cortex Xpanse optimal aus
Selbst wenn Unternehmen ein praxistaugliches Inventar aller Assets, aus denen die Angriffsfläche besteht, erstellt und die sich daraus ergebenden Risiken identifiziert haben, erweist sich die zeitnahe Behebung dieser Risiken oftmals als anhaltende Herausforderung.
通过 Cortex Xpanse 主动响应模块获得最大价值
Cómo sacar el máximo partido al módulo de respuesta activa de Cortex Xpanse
Tras hacer inventario de todos los activos y riesgos de la superficie de ataque, numerosas organizaciones siguen enfrentándose al desafío de intentar corregir todos esos riesgos de manera oportuna.
Usa al meglio il modulo di risposta attiva Cortex Xpanse
Un problema costante per molte organizzazioni che hanno definito un inventario fruibile di risorse e rischi relativi alla superficie di attacco è la capacità di correggere tempestivamente questi rischi.
Cortex Xpanseアクティブ レスポンス モジュールの価値を最大限引き出す
資産とアタックサーフェス リスクの実用的なインベントリを構築した後も、リスクのタイムリーな修復という面で、多くの企業に慢性的な課題が残ります。
Cortex XDR Forensics
Cortex XDR Forensics brings powerful investigation and computer forensics capabilities to the industry's first extended detection and response platform.
Palo Alto Networks VM-Series and Endace EndaceProbe Analytics Program
Prevent, detect, and respond to even the most challenging cyber threats.
PA-800 Series Datasheet
The controlling element of the PA-800 Series is PAN-OS®, the same software that runs all Palo Alto Networks NextGeneration Firewalls. PAN-OS natively classifies all traffic, inclusive of applications, threats, and content, and then ties that traffic to the user regardless of location or device type.
5G Security with Palo Alto Networks ML-Powered NGFW and MantisNet Containerized Visibility Fabric
Visibility into Subscriber ID and Other 5G Identifiers for N6 NGFW Deployment
Advanced Deployment Service for CASB – Base Service
Next-Generation Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Professional Services securely enables adoption of SaaS applications.
Code Security
Secure Cloud-Native Applications and Infrastructure Across the Development Lifecycle
Prisma Cloud: Cloud Security Posture Management Datasheet
Prisma™ Cloud reduziert die Komplexität und schützt Ressourcen in Hybrid- und Multi-Cloud-
Manage Your Unmanaged Cloud with Cortex Xpanse and Prisma Cloud
Download the datasheet, Manage Your Unmanaged Cloud, to learn how Cortex® Xpanse™ automatically identifies and associates unknown cloud assets and allows command through Prisma® Cloud for complete cloud security and manageable policy enforcement.
Cortex Xpanse: Threat Response Center
Threat Response Center helps you stay ahead of emerging threats by being your single command center for effective vulnerability management.
Achieve Maximum Value from the Cortex Xpanse Active Response Module
Reducing critical attack surface exposure MTTRs from weeks to hours with AI-powered, embedded automation
Security Ratings and Prioritization Datasheet
Traditional security rating tools often provide incomplete data and assessments of attack surfaces, leading to difficulties in understanding the real-time security health and asset hygiene of an organization. The Cortex® Xpanse™ Security Rating addresses these challenges by offering a real-time security rating driven by exploit intelligence for the entire attack surface.
Unit 42 Managed Threat Hunting
By proactively hunting down threats, you can unmask every adversary, reduce dwell times, and avoid successful attacks.
Prisma SD-WAN di Palo Alto Networks in sintesi
Enable the secure cloud-delivered branch with the industry’s first next-generation SD-WAN.
Información general sobre Prisma SD-WAN de Palo Alto Networks
Proteja sus sucursales en la nube con la primera solución SD-WAN de nueva generación del sector.
Displaying 481 - 510 of 1498