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Displaying 451 - 480 of 1498
Palo Alto Networks 운영 복원력 프로그램
Due to the recent and increasing volume of customer inquiries regarding the resilience program (e.g., framework, program components, alignment with leading standards, etc.), we developed a resilience focused narrative as a sales enablement artifact to be leverage across account teams, bid response, customer trust, and adjacent sales teams.
Palo Alto Networks 營運彈性計劃
Due to the recent and increasing volume of customer inquiries regarding the resilience program (e.g., framework, program components, alignment with leading standards, etc.), we developed a resilience focused narrative as a sales enablement artifact to be leverage across account teams, bid response, customer trust, and adjacent sales teams.
Palo Alto Networks 运营弹性计划
Due to the recent and increasing volume of customer inquiries regarding the resilience program (e.g., framework, program components, alignment with leading standards, etc.), we developed a resilience focused narrative as a sales enablement artifact to be leverage across account teams, bid response, customer trust, and adjacent sales teams.
パロアルトネットワークスのオペレーショナル レジリエンス
Due to the recent and increasing volume of customer inquiries regarding the resilience program (e.g., framework, program components, alignment with leading standards, etc.), we developed a resilience focused narrative as a sales enablement artifact to be leverage across account teams, bid response, customer trust, and adjacent sales teams.
Deployment Services for Prisma Access
Palo Alto Networks®Deployment Services for Prisma™ Access (formerly GlobalProtect™ cloud service) to fast-track your implementation and align it with best practices.
Cloud NGFW for AWS
Cloud NGFW datasheet | Palo Alto Networks
Cloud NGFW for Azure
Cloud NGFW for Azure datasheet: See how to extend best-in-class security to Azure | Palo Alto Networks
Cloud NGFW for Azure - Premium Support
Whether using Cloud NGFW for Azure as part of your organization's firewall strategy or as a public domain user, Premium Support underscores our commitment to the continued success of your deployment.
Prisma Access Advanced Deployment Professional Services
Prisma Access - Advanced Deployment Professional Services (ADPS) offer Prisma Access core deployment and flexible feature options designed for our customers.
Cloud NGFW for Azure Support
Palo Alto Networks Cloud NGFW for Azure Premium Support ensures ongoing integrity and performance over the lifetime of your deployment, protecting your investment and ensuring that your cloud journey is secure and protected.
Resumo do Data loss prevention (prevenção de perda de dados - DLP) empresarial
DLP helps safeguard a company’s reputation by preventing data breaches and assists in meeting compliance requirements for regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA etc.
Prevenzione della perdita di dati aziendali | In sintesi
DLP helps safeguard a company’s reputation by preventing data breaches and assists in meeting compliance requirements for regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA etc.
Prevención de pérdida de datos empresariales (DLP) de un vistazo
DLP helps safeguard a company’s reputation by preventing data breaches and assists in meeting compliance requirements for regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA etc.
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (DLP): información general
DLP ayuda a mantener intacta la reputación de las empresas, ya que previene brechas de datos y contribuye a garantizar el cumplimiento de normativas como la PCI-DSS, la HIPAA, el RGPD, la CCPA, etc.
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (DLP) : la solution en bref
DLP prévient les compromissions de données pour préserver la réputation des entreprises et les aide à se conformer aux principaux standards (RGPD, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, CCPA, etc.).
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Lösungsüberblick
Sie möchten Ihren Ruf schützen? Dann setzen Sie auf eine DLP-Lösung, um Datenlecks zu verhindern und Complianceanforderungen für PCI-DSS, HIPAA, die DSGVO, den CCPA und andere Vorschriften einzuhalten.
엔터프라이즈 DLP(Data Loss Prevention) 한눈에 보기
DLP helps safeguard a company’s reputation by preventing data breaches and assists in meeting compliance requirements for regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA etc.
企業數據遺失防護 (DLP) 概覽
DLP helps safeguard a company’s reputation by preventing data breaches and assists in meeting compliance requirements for regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA etc.
企业数据丢失防护 (DLP) 概览
DLP helps safeguard a company’s reputation by preventing data breaches and assists in meeting compliance requirements for regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA etc.
Enterprise データ漏えい防止(DLP)の概要
DLP helps safeguard a company’s reputation by preventing data breaches and assists in meeting compliance requirements for regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA etc.
Cortex XDR Standard and Premium Success Plans
Get the most out of Cortex XDRTM with access to the Customer Success team to maximize adoption and strengthen your security posture.
Cortex XSOAR Customer Success Datasheet
Understand how Customer Success will dramatically help you get the most value out of Demisto
Tip Sheet: CI/CD Security
CI/CD pipeline weaknesses are commonly exploited by attackers. Get data-based tips to fix CI/CD pipeline weaknesses and implement effective CI/CD security.
CI/CD Security Datasheet
Learn how to harden your CI/CD pipelines, reduce your attack surface, and protect your app development environment by adopting graph-based CI/CD security.
Cortex XDRフォレンジック
Cortex XDR Forensicsの機能、メリット、技術的詳細を把握。
Cortex XDR 鑑識
Understand the features, benefits and technical details of Cortex XDR Forensics.
Cortex Xpanse: 위협 대응 센터
보안 팀은 끊임없이 변화하고 세분화되는 공격 표면을 관리하면서 새로운 취약점과 노출에 대처해야 합니다.
Cortex Xpanse:威胁响应中心
Cortex Xpanse: 脅威レスポンス センター
絶えず変化する断片的なアタックサーフェスを管理しながら新しい脆弱性とセキュリティ問題に対処することがセキュリティ チームには求められます。
Displaying 451 - 480 of 1498