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Einschätzung der Bereitschaft zur Abwehr von Angriffen über geschäftliche E-Mail-Adressen
Die Unit 42-Einschätzung der Bereitschaft zur Abwehr von Business-Email-Compromise(BEC)-Angriffen bietet Ihnen eine zielgerichtete Einschätzung des Cyberrisikos. Diese stützt sich auf Kontrollen und Benutzer, Prozesse und Technologien, die für die Abwehr von BEC- und anderen E-Mail-basierten Angriffen notwendig sind. Mehr dazu erfahren Sie in diesem Datenblatt.
비즈니스 이메일 침해 준비성 평가
The Unit 42 Business Email Compromise (BEC) Readiness Assessment delivers a targeted cybersecurity risk assessment focused on all of the elements necessary to defend against BEC and other email-based attacks. Learn more in this datasheet.
The Unit 42 Business Email Compromise (BEC) Readiness Assessment delivers a targeted cybersecurity risk assessment focused on all of the elements necessary to defend against BEC and other email-based attacks. Learn more in this datasheet.
The Unit 42 Business Email Compromise (BEC) Readiness Assessment delivers a targeted cybersecurity risk assessment focused on all of the elements necessary to defend against BEC and other email-based attacks. Learn more in this datasheet.
Avaliação de prontidão de ransomware
The Unit 42 Ransomware Readiness Assessment focuses on preparing your people, processes, and technologies to mitigate the threat of ransomware. We work with you to develop control enhancements, remediation recommendations, and a best-practice playbook based on the latest threat intelligence to achieve a target state of ransomware readiness. Read datasheet to learn more.
Valutazione della preparazione contro il ransomware
The Unit 42 Ransomware Readiness Assessment focuses on preparing your people, processes, and technologies to mitigate the threat of ransomware. We work with you to develop control enhancements, remediation recommendations, and a best-practice playbook based on the latest threat intelligence to achieve a target state of ransomware readiness. Read datasheet to learn more.
Evaluación de la preparación para el ransomware
The Unit 42 Ransomware Readiness Assessment focuses on preparing your people, processes, and technologies to mitigate the threat of ransomware. We work with you to develop control enhancements, remediation recommendations, and a best-practice playbook based on the latest threat intelligence to achieve a target state of ransomware readiness. Read datasheet to learn more.
Evaluación del grado de preparación frente al ransomware
La evaluación del grado de preparación frente al ransomware (RRA) de Unit 42 se centra en preparar a las personas, los procesos y las tecnologías para mitigar la amenaza del ransomware. Trabajamos con usted para incorporar mejoras en los controles, elaborar recomendaciones para la corrección y compilar un libro de estrategias basado en la mejor inteligencia sobre amenazas y las prácticas recomendadas que han resultado más eficaces últimamente para lograr el grado de preparación deseado frente al ransomware. Lea la ficha técnica para obtener más información.
Évaluation de l’état de préparation aux ransomwares
Le service d’évaluation de l’état de préparation aux ransomwares d’Unit 42 vous aide à mieux préparer vos équipes, vos processus et vos technologies face au risque d’attaque par rançongiciel. En étroite collaboration avec vos équipes, nos experts s’appuient sur les dernières bonnes pratiques et données CTI pour formuler des recommandations. Renforcement des contrôles, mesures correctives, playbook de réponse… autant de pistes qui vous aideront à être prêt le jour J. Lisez cette fiche technique pour en savoir plus.
Einschätzung der Ransomwarebereitschaft
Mit der Einschätzung der Ransomwarebereitschaft von Unit 42 werden Ihre Mitarbeiter, Prozesse und Technologien auf die Abwehr von Ransomware vorbereitet. Wir arbeiten mit Ihnen zusammen, um verbesserte Kontrollen, Behebungsempfehlungen und ein Playbook mit Best Practices für mehr Resilienz gegen Ransomwareangriffe zu entwickeln. Im Datenblatt erfahren Sie Näheres.
랜섬웨어 준비성 평가
The Unit 42 Ransomware Readiness Assessment focuses on preparing your people, processes, and technologies to mitigate the threat of ransomware. We work with you to develop control enhancements, remediation recommendations, and a best-practice playbook based on the latest threat intelligence to achieve a target state of ransomware readiness. Read datasheet to learn more.
The Unit 42 Ransomware Readiness Assessment focuses on preparing your people, processes, and technologies to mitigate the threat of ransomware. We work with you to develop control enhancements, remediation recommendations, and a best-practice playbook based on the latest threat intelligence to achieve a target state of ransomware readiness. Read datasheet to learn more.
The Unit 42 Ransomware Readiness Assessment focuses on preparing your people, processes, and technologies to mitigate the threat of ransomware. We work with you to develop control enhancements, remediation recommendations, and a best-practice playbook based on the latest threat intelligence to achieve a target state of ransomware readiness. Read datasheet to learn more.
The Unit 42 Ransomware Readiness Assessment focuses on preparing your people, processes, and technologies to mitigate the threat of ransomware. We work with you to develop control enhancements, remediation recommendations, and a best-practice playbook based on the latest threat intelligence to achieve a target state of ransomware readiness. Read datasheet to learn more.
Folha de dados de segurança de CI/CD
Learn how to harden your CI/CD pipelines, reduce your attack surface, and protect your app development environment by adopting graph-based CI/CD security.
Scheda tecnica Sicurezza CI/ CD
Learn how to harden your CI/CD pipelines, reduce your attack surface, and protect your app development environment by adopting graph-based CI/CD security.
Ficha técnica de CI/CD Security
Descubra cómo reforzar sus ciclos de CI/CD, reducir su superficie de ataque y proteger su entorno de desarrollo de aplicaciones gracias a la adopción de una seguridad de CI/CD basada en grafos.
Fiche technique CI/CD Security
Découvrez comment renforcer vos pipelines CI/CD, réduire votre surface d’attaque et protéger votre environnement de développement applicatif grâce à une sécurité CI/CD basée sur les graphes.
Datenblatt zu CI/CD Security
Lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre CI/CD-Pipelines stärken, Ihre Angriffsfläche reduzieren und Ihre Anwendungsentwicklungsumgebung mit graphenbasierter CI/CD-Sicherheit schützen.
CI/CD 보안 데이터시트
Learn how to harden your CI/CD pipelines, reduce your attack surface, and protect your app development environment by adopting graph-based CI/CD security.
CI/CD 安全型錄
Learn how to harden your CI/CD pipelines, reduce your attack surface, and protect your app development environment by adopting graph-based CI/CD security.
CI/CD 安全产品说明
Learn how to harden your CI/CD pipelines, reduce your attack surface, and protect your app development environment by adopting graph-based CI/CD security.
CI/CDセキュリティ データシート
Learn how to harden your CI/CD pipelines, reduce your attack surface, and protect your app development environment by adopting graph-based CI/CD security.
Programma per la resilienza operativa di Palo Alto Networks
Due to the recent and increasing volume of customer inquiries regarding the resilience program (e.g., framework, program components, alignment with leading standards, etc.), we developed a resilience focused narrative as a sales enablement artifact to be leverage across account teams, bid response, customer trust, and adjacent sales teams.
Programa de Resiliência Operacional da Palo Alto Networks
Due to the recent and increasing volume of customer inquiries regarding the resilience program (e.g., framework, program components, alignment with leading standards, etc.), we developed a resilience focused narrative as a sales enablement artifact to be leverage across account teams, bid response, customer trust, and adjacent sales teams.
Programa de resiliencia operativa de Palo Alto Networks
Due to the recent and increasing volume of customer inquiries regarding the resilience program (e.g., framework, program components, alignment with leading standards, etc.), we developed a resilience focused narrative as a sales enablement artifact to be leverage across account teams, bid response, customer trust, and adjacent sales teams.
Programa de resiliencia operativa
Últimamente, los clientes están haciéndonos más consultas sobre distintos aspectos del programa de resiliencia, como sus componentes, el marco de trabajo o el cumplimiento de los principales estándares. Por este motivo, hemos redactado un documento de capacitación del equipo de ventas centrado en la resiliencia, con el deseo de que resulte útil a los equipos de cuentas, los de respuesta a licitaciones, los encargados de fomentar la confianza de los clientes y otras personas involucradas de una u otra forma en el proceso de ventas.
Programme Operational Resilience de Palo Alto Networks
Pour répondre à la hausse des demandes de renseignements de nos clients concernant le programme Operational Resilience (cadre et contenu du programme, alignement sur les principaux standards en vigueur, etc.), nous avons rédigé une fiche d'information sur le sujet. Ce document offre un support précieux d'aide à la vente destiné à toutes les composantes de la fonction commerciale : équipes de vente, gestion de compte client, réponse aux appels d'offre, Customer Success, etc.
Palo Alto Networks Programm für einen resilienten Betrieb
Die Anzahl der Kundenfragen zu unserem Resilienzprogramm (Framework, Programmkomponenten, Übereinstimmung mit führenden Standards usw.) ist in letzter Zeit so stark gestiegen, dass wir dieses Dokument erstellt haben, um Account-Teams bei der Beantwortung von Fragen zur Resilienz, der Diskussion von Angeboten, dem Aufbau von Kundenvertrauen und der Zusammenarbeit mit Vertriebsteams zu unterstützen.
Displaying 421 - 450 of 1498